Although thousands Metal War players and many who are no longer with us certainly deserve to be honored, we reserve this space for those who, having made ​​a significant contribution to the gaming community, by unavoidable circumstances are no longer with us.

To them is dedicated this section, it is good to remember our fallen comrades.

To them, a radiant life beyond!

Jacqueline Martin (Jax)

Born 03-09-1965,  + 08-26-2010

She was loved by many players of Metal War, because she had a great empathy, sympathy and kindness, which acted with equal generosity and made it such a person would not want to let go.

One could say much more about her, but all words are perfectly summarized in the words of the wall, among which, one comment is:

"You are a beautiful person. We will miss you, my friend"

Many subscribe to these words and nothing more needs to be said.

In her honor, the developers added, as with Greg Holmes, an achievement: "Spirit of Jax". Her WM account was also frozen so nobody could add nothing else in her wall nor attack her account.

Greg Holmes

(Born 05-22-1970, + 05-17-2010)

Long ago, this one player from War Machine (formerly named the War Metal) won the admiration of much of the War Metal Community because his generous support to the weakest and his ceaseless action against players who ruined the good game because with a hateful attitude (Cappies, asshats, etc)

For this reason, Greg Holmes came to be recognized as a champion for friendly players and a nightmare for some others.

He was about 40 years old when he died.

The War Metal Community missed him too much and requested from the developers for something done in his memory. The developers then added the "Spirit of Holmes" achievement and preserved his WM account so no one could alter it.

Go in peace and have a safe journey to the afterlife. We remember you with affection and respect. The same values ​​that you knew so well to defend!